Grado en Arquitectura Técnica y Edificación


Perfil académico: Doctorado
Dirección electrónica:


Enseñanza Curso Asignatura
Grado en Ingeniería Mecànica 4 CONSTRUCCIÓN SOSTENIBLE I
Grado en Ingeniería de la Energía y Sostenibilidad 4 CONSTRUCCIÓN SOSTENIBLE I
Grado en Arquitectura Técnica y Edificación 4 CONSTRUCCIÓN SOSTENIBLE I
Doble titulació: Eng Mecànica i Eng. de l'Energia i Sostenibilitat 5 CONSTRUCCIÓN SOSTENIBLE I


Grupo de investigación: Grup de Recerca en Energia i Intel·ligència Artificial - GREiA
Proyectos de investigación Fecha inicio Fecha fin Investigadores principales
Metodología para el análisis de tecnologías de almacenamiento de energía térmica hacia una economía circular 01/01/2019 31/08/2022 LUISA FERNANDA CABEZA FABRA, CARLOS MATEU PIÑOL
Techno-economical evaluation of different thermal energy storage concepts for CSP plants 01/03/2021 31/08/2024 LUISA FERNANDA CABEZA FABRA
Estrategias de descarbonización que integran el almacenamiento de energía térmica 01/09/2022 31/08/2025 LUISA FERNANDA CABEZA FABRA, CARLOS MATEU PIÑOL
Diseño biomimético impulsado por inteligencia artificial de un depósito de almacenamiento de energía térmica para un intercambio de calor óptimo 01/12/2022 30/11/2024 JOSEP ARGELICH ROMA, LUISA FERNANDA CABEZA FABRA
Industrial process Steam Supply DEMOnstration of a ultra-dynamic thermal energy storage 01/12/2023 30/11/2026 LUISA FERNANDA CABEZA FABRA
Publicaciones Año Autores Tipo
Phase change materials for thermal energy storage in industrial applications 2025 Martínez FR, Borri E, Mani Kala S, Ushak S, Cabeza LF Article d'investigació
Experimental characterization of phase change materials for thermal energy storage in the temperature range between 270 ºC and 400 ºC 2025 Martínez, F.R.; Borri, E.; Ushak, S.; Mani Kala, S.; Prieto, C.; Cabeza, L.F. Article d'investigació
Environmental impact of an innovative solar-biomass hybrid system for residential applications 2025 Borri, E.; Charalampidis, A.; Palomba, V.; Zsembinszki, G.; Frazzica, A.; Karellas, S.; Cabeza, L.F. Article d'investigació
Thermal energy storage in energy communities: A perspective overview through a bibliometric analysis 2024 Brunelli, L.; Borri, E.; Pisello, A.L.; Nicolini, A.; Mateu, C.; Cabeza, L.F. Article d'investigació
Analysis on integration of heat pumps and thermal energy storage in current energy system: From research outputs to energy policies 2024 Rehman, O.A.; Borri, E.; Palomba, V.; Frazzica, A.; Brancato, V.; Botargues, T.; Cabeza, L.F. Article d'investigació
Enhancement of heat transfer through the incorporation of copper metal wool in latent heat thermal energy storage systems 2024 Ribezzo, A.; Morciano, M.; Zsembiinszki, G.; Risco Amigó, S.; Mani Kala, S.; Borri, E.; Bergamasco, L.; Pasano, M., Chiavazzo, E.; Prieto, C.; Cabeza, L.F. Article d'investigació
Study of the thermal behaviour and thermal energy storage capacity of starch samples 2024 Martínez, F.R.; Borri, E.; Cabeza, L.F. Informes de recerca
SUSHEAT - D4.2 Final PCM for TES 2024 Santovito, M.; Cabeza, L.F.; Borri, E.; Martínez, F.R., Mani Kala, S. Informes de recerca
Study of the thermal behaviour and thermal energy storage capacity of fat samples 2024 Martínez, F.R.; Borri, E.; Cabeza, L.F. Informes de recerca
Thermal energy storage using phase change materials in high-temperature industrial applications: Multi-criteria selection of the adequate material 2024 Cabeza, L.F.; Martínez, F.R.; Borri, E.; Ushak, S.; Prieto, C. Article d'investigació
Development of a bio-inspired TES tank for heat transfer enhancement in latent heat thermal energy storage systems 2024 Cabeza, L.F.; Mani Kala, S.; Zsembinszki, G.; Verez, D.; Risco Amigó, S.; Borri, E. Article d'investigació
SWS-HEATING - D6.8 Energy performance analysis of SWS-heating system in Sweden 2024 Gunasekara, S.; Maqbool, H.; Palm, B.; Svensson, A.; Hill, P.; Dawoud, B.; Mikhaeil, M.; Kerscher, M.; Chalikakis, K.; Comelles, J.; Gimbernat, T.; Frazzica, A.; Herrmann, R.; Borri, E.; Cabeza, L.F. Informes de recerca
SWS-HEATING - D6.7 Energy performance analysis of SWS-heating system in Germany 2024 Dawoud, B.; Mikhaeil, M.; Chalikakis, K.; Comelles, J.; Gimbernat, T.; Frazzica, A.; Borri, E.; Cabeza, L.F.; Palm, B.; Karellas, S. Informes de recerca
SUSHEAT - D4.3 Bio-inspired TES rules 2024 Cabeza, L.F.; Mateu, C.; Borri, E.; Zsembinszki, G.; Merhaj, N. Informes de recerca
Potential of the use of sodium chloride (NaCl) in thermal energy storage applications 2024 Cabeza, L.F.; Martínez, F.R.; Zsembinszki, G.; Borri, E. Article d'investigació
SolBio-Rev - D8.6 Synergies between SolBio-Rev and other initiatives 2024 Cabeza, L.F.; Borri, E.; Mani Kala, S.; Zsembinszki, G.; Frazzica, A. Informes de recerca
SolBio-Rev - D7.2 Life cycle costing (LCC) analysis report 2024 Borri, E.; Cabeza, L.F.; Karellas, S.; Charalampidis, A. Informes de recerca
Evaluation of the social impact of an energy system for residential heating applications based on a novel seasonal thermal energy storage 2024 Borri, E.; Zsembinszki, G.; Cabeza, L.F. Article d'investigació
SolBio-Rev - D3.4 System performance for different climates and buildings 2024 Charalampidis, A.; Karellas, S.; Cabeza, L.F.; Borri, E.; Zsembinszki, G.; Fernandez, C.; Frazzica, A.; Palomba, V.; Weitzer, M.; Rompoel, A.; Wagner, M.; Franke, L. Informes de recerca
SolBio-Rev - D3.3 Prototype smart control environment 2024 Chalikakis, K.; Chalikaki, D.; Borri, E.; Crespo, A.; Argelich, J.; de Gracia, A.; Fernandez, C.; Cabeza, L.F. Informes de recerca
SolBio-Rev - D1.4 Accomplished tasks of SHAB and its meetings minutes 2024 Cabeza, L.F.; Borri, E. Informes de recerca
BIOBUILD - D1.1 Specific climate considerations and building typological classification 2024 Stomff, S.; Isacescu, D.; Borri, E.; Ahmed, W.; Cabeza, L.F. Informes de recerca
Screening of potential materials to be used as a phase change material (PCM) for high temperature application 2024 Cabeza, L.F.; Borri, E., Martinez Alcocer, F.R. Altres
HYBRIDplus - D3.4 Final selection of metal wool for the system experimental testing 2024 Gesell, S.; Cabeza, L.F.; Borri, E.; Martínez, F.R. Informes de recerca
El proyecto HYBRIDplus desarrolla un nuevo sistema de almacenamiento térmico para centrales termosolares 2024 Prieto, C.; López Román, A.; Borri, E.; Cabeza, L.F. Article en revista divulgativa
HYBRIDplus - D3.2 Final selection of PCMs for the system experimental testing 2024 Cabeza, L.F.; Borri, E.; Martínez, F.R. Informes de recerca
Potential of the use of salts from ICL Iberia for thermal energy storage 2024 Cabeza, L.F.; Zsembinszki, G.; Borri, E.; Martínez, F.R. Informes de recerca
Formulation and development of composite materials for thermally driven and storage‑integrated cooling technologies: a review 2024 Borri, E.; Ushak, S.; Li, Y.; Franzzica, A.; Zhang, Y.; Millan, Y.E.; Grageda, M.; Li, D.; Cabeza, L.F.; Brancato, V. Article d'investigació
Contribution of thermal energy storage (TES) in the decarbonisation of our world 2023 Cabeza, L.F.; Borri, E.; Zsembinszki, G.; Boer, D.; Fernández, A.I.; Valles, M.; Barreneche, C.; Mateu, C. Acta congrés
Development of an experimentally validated model of a PCM tank for cold storage applications in combination with heat pumps 2023 Rehman, O.A.; Palomba, V.; Frazzica, A.; Brancato, V.; Verez, D.; Borri, E.; Cabeza, L.F. Acta congrés
Impact of the combined addition of textile-reinforced mortar and phase change material on the thermal behavior of buildings 2023 Ayed, R.; Bouadilla, S.; Borri, E.; Cabeza, L.F.; Lazaar, M. Acta congrés
Experimental evaluation at high temperatures of the corrosive behaviour of PCMs based on inorganic salts 2023 Martínez Alcocer, F.R.; Borri, E.; Ushak, S.; Prieto, C.; Cabeza, L.F. Acta congrés
Testing a new design of a thermal energy storage prototype based on selective water sorbents (SWS) 2023 Frazzica, A.; Crespo, A.; Palomba, V.; Brancato, V.; Mikhaeil, M.; Dawoud, B.; Herrmann, R.; Borri, E.; Cabeza, L.F.; Pesson, S. Acta congrés
Hygroscopic and corrosion tests of salt hydrates to be used as phase change materials (PCMs) in thermal energy storage (TES) 2023 Martinez Alcocer, F.R.; Borri, E.; Cabeza, L.F. Altres
THUMBS-UP - D2.1 Generic system P&ID defined for FractLES system 2023 Cabeza, L.F.; Borri, E. Informes de recerca
THUMBS-UP - D1.2 KPI Panel and demo/simulation strategy based on preliminary performance modelling 2023 Borri, E.; Cabeza, L.F.; Zsembinszki, G. Informes de recerca
SUSHEAT - D4.1 Initial PCM for TES 2023 Cabeza, L.F.; Borri, E.; Martínez, F.R.; Baricco, F.; Muscarà, N. Informes de recerca
SWS-HEATING - D9.4 Compilation of all communication activities carried out during the project 2023 Botargues, T.; Navarro, L.; Borri, E.; Cabeza, L.F. Informes de recerca
SWS-HEATING - D8.7 Partner exploitation agreement 2023 Borri, E.; Cabeza, L.F. Informes de recerca
SWS-HEATING - D8.5 Report on synergies between SWS-HEATING and other initiatives 2023 Cabeza, L.F.; Borri, E.; Zsembinszki, G.; Frazzica, A.; Pisello, A.L. Informes de recerca
SWS-HEATING - D8.2 Compilation of all dissemination activities carried out during the project 2023 Botargues, T.; Navarro, L.; Borri, E.; Cabeza, L.F. Informes de recerca
SWS-HEATING - D7.6 Social life cycle assessment report 2023 Borri, E.; Cabeza, L.F. Informes de recerca
SWS-HEATING - D6.6 Extended commissioning test results 2023 Borri, E.; Cabeza, L.F.; Gimbernat, T.; Comelles, J.; Chalikakis, K.; Herrmann, R. Informes de recerca
SWS-HEATING - D6.4 Design, production and commissioning of the building prototype 2023 Comelles, J.; Gimbernat, T.; Borri, E.; Cabeza, L.F.; Chalikakis, K.; Dawood, B.; Mikhaeli, M.; Nowak, E.; Hermann, R.; Sonnenfeld, U.; Palm, B.; Nimali, S.; Ure, Z.; Kokorelia, A.; Kokorela, L.; Leon Informes de recerca
SWS-HEATING - D6.2 Lab-scale test results of the prototype SWS-STES configuration 2023 Frazzica, A.; Paloma, V.; Brancato, V.; Costa, F.; La Rosa, D.; Cabeza, L.F.; Borri, E.; Dawoud, B.; Mikhaeil, M.; Herrmann, R. Informes de recerca
SWS-HEATING - D1.4 Accomplished tasks of SHAB and a summarty of meeting minutes 2023 Cabeza, L.F.; Borri, E. Informes de recerca
SolBio-Rev - D7.1 Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) report 2023 Borri, E.; Cabeza, L.F.; Frazzica, A.; Karellas, S.; Charalampidis, A. Informes de recerca
HYBRIDplus - D6.1 Communication, dissemination and exploitation plan 2023 Prieto, C.; Lopez, A.; Barrère, C.; Khalifa, T.; Borri, E.; Cabeza, L.F. Informes de recerca
HYBRIDplus - D3.3 First selection of metal wool 2023 Obst, A.; Gesell, S.; Cabeza, L.F.; Borri, E.; Martínez, F.R. Informes de recerca
HYBRIDplus - D3.1 First selection of PCMs 2023 Martinez, F.R.; Borri, E.; Cabeza, L.F.; Verez, D. Informes de recerca
HYBRIDplus - D2.1 Lay-outs of plant proposed 2023 García Rivero, G.; Trevisan, S.; De Giorgi, P.; Lopez Roman, A.; Prieto, C.; Cabeza, L.F. Informes de recerca
HYBRIDplus - D1.1 Data management plan 2023 Prieto, C.; Lopez Roman, A.; García Rivero, G.; De Giorgi, P.; Trevisan, S.; Guedez, R.; Cabeza, L.F.; Borri, E.; Verez, D. Informes de recerca
HYBRIDplus - D1.3 Knowledge management and IP strategy 2023 Prieto, C.; Lopez, A.; Barrère, C.; Khalifa, T.; Borri, E.; Cabeza, L.F.; De Giorgi, P. Informes de recerca
HYBRIDplus - D1.4 Initial project management plan 2023 Prieto, C.; Lopez, A.; Borri, E.; Cabeza, L.F.; Verez, D. Informes de recerca
Experimental evaluation of different macro-encapsulation designs for PCM storages for cooling applications 2023 Rehman, O.A.; Palomba, V.; Verez, D.; Borri, E.; Frazzica, A.; Brancato, V.; Botargues, T.; Ure, Z.; Cabeza, L.F. Article d'investigació
Application of deep learning techniques to minimize the cost of operation of a hybrid solar-biomass system in a multi-family building 2023 Zsembinszki, G.; Fernández, C.; Borri, E.; Cabeza, L.F. Article d'investigació
Energy assessment of a tannery to improve its sustainability 2023 Morera, J.M.; Borri, E.; Zsembinszki, G.; Vérez, D.; Gasa, G.; Bartolí, E.; Cabeza, L.F. Article d'investigació
Thermal energy storage co-benefits in building applications transferred from a renewable energy perspective 2023 Verez, D.; Borri, E.; Zsembinszki, G., Cabeza, L.F. Article d'investigació
Study of the thermal behaviour and thermal energy storage capacity of oleogel samples 2023 Martínez, F.R.; Borri, E.; Cabeza, L.F. Informes de recerca
Study of the thermal behaviour and thermal energy storage capacity of lyophilized plant fibres samples 2023 Martínez, F.R.; Borri, E.; Cabeza, L.F. Informes de recerca
Study of the thermal behaviour and thermal energy storage capacity of fat samples 2023 Martínez, F.R.; Borri, E.; Cabeza, L.F. Informes de recerca
Study of the thermal behaviour and thermal energy storage capacity of different kinds of samples of a biopolymer PLA 2023 Martínez, F.R.; Borri, E.; Cabeza, L.F. Informes de recerca
Study of the thermal behaviour, thermal stability, and thermal energy storage capacity of ionic liquid sample 2023 Martínez, F.R.; Borri, E.; Cabeza, L.F. Informes de recerca
Experimental evaluation of teh thermal behaviour and the thermal energy storage capacity of lyophilized plant fibres samples 2023 Martínez, F.R.; Mani Kala, S.; Borri, E.; Cabeza, L.F. Informes de recerca
Study of the thermal behaviour and the thermal energy storage capacity of different kinds of gel samples 2023 Martínez, F.R.; Borri, E.; Cabeza, L.F. Informes de recerca
An overview of sustainability and society aspects in thermal energy storage 2023 Cabeza, L.F.; Borri, E. Acta congrés
An experimental investigation of control strategies for thermal energy storage in building energy systems 2023 Fernández Cantero, J.; Borri, E.; Vérez, D.; Cabeza, L.F. Acta congrés
Smart integration of waste and renewable energy for sustainable heat upgrade in the industry (SUSHEAT) 2023 Rovira, A.; Guedez, R.; Trevisan, S.; Hoeg, A.; Vérez, D.; Cabeza, L.F.; Butean, A.; Enríquez, J.; Law, R.; Muegge, M.; Sayannos, H.; Nagyova, K.; Santovito, M.; Likozar, B.; Mandrekas, V.; Solberg, E Acta congrés
Experimental testing of a lab-scale latent heat storage tank prototype with bio-inspired design for heat transfer enhancement 2023 Zsembinszki, G.; Risco, S.; Borri, E.; Cabeza, L.F. Acta congrés
Corrosion effect analysis of inorganic compounds at high temperature for latent heat thermal energy storage application 2023 Martínez Alcocer, F.R.; Borri, E., Ushak, S.; Prieto, C.; Cabeza, L.F. Acta congrés
An experimental study on the thermo-mechanical properties of cement mortar with textile for building applications 2023 Ayed, R.; Borri, E.; Gasa, G.; Bouadila, S.; Cabeza, L.F. Acta congrés
A simplified approach for simulating the discharging process in sheel and tube heat exchangers with PCMs 2023 Ribezzo, A.; Borri, E.; Morciano, M.; Bergamasco, L.; Fasano, M.; Chiavazzo, E.; Cabeza, L.F. Acta congrés
Proof of concept of a bio-inspired heat exchanger for heat transfer enhancement in thermal energy storage systems 2023 Borri, E.; Zsembinszki, G.; Risco, S.; Rojas Cala, E.F.; Mehraj, N.; Mateu, C.; Béjar, R.; Vérez, D.; Cabeza, L.F. Acta congrés
Study on control optimization of a hybrid solar-biomass system for residential buildings using deep learning techniques 2023 Zsembinszki, G.; Fernández, C.; Borri, E.; Cabeza, L.F. Acta congrés
Comparison of different control strategies of an energy system thermal energy storage for building applications: an experimental study 2023 Fernández Cantero, J.; Borri, E.; Arena, S.; Verez, D.; Cabeza, L.F. Acta congrés
Development of phase change materials in view of circular economy 2023 Cabeza, L.F.; Zsembinszki, G.; Borri, E. Acta congrés
Compressed air energy storage¿An overview of research trends and gaps through a bibliometric analysis 2022 Borri E; Tafone A; Comodi G; Romagnoli A; Cabeza LF Article d'investigació
Optimal control based on deep-learning techniques for a hybrid solar-biomass system for residential buildings 2022 Zsembinszki, G.; Fernández, C.; Borri, E.; Cabeza, L.F. Acta congrés
New concept for high temperature thermal energy storage using a concrete tank 2022 Cabeza, L.F.; Verez, D.; Zsembinszki, G.; Borri, E.; Prieto, C. Acta congrés
Deep learning optimal control for a solar-biomass system for residential buildings 2022 Zsembinszki, G.; Fernandez, C.; Borri, E.; Cabeza, L.F. Acta congrés
Study on the implementation of different thermal energy storage concepts in CSP plants 2022 Zsembinszki, G.; Prieto, C.; Fernández, A.I.; Paksoy, H.; Ziskind, G.; Carrilo, F.; Südas, I.; Gasa, G.; Borri, E.; Cabeza, L.F. Acta congrés
Análisis del ciclo de vida (ACV) de varias plantas de termosolares (CSP) en configuración de torre con diferente capacidad de almacenamiento en sales fundidas 2022 Gasa, G.; Borri, E.; Lopez Roman, A.; Prieto, C.; Cabeza, L.F. Acta congrés
Bibliometric map on corrosion in concentrating solar power plants 2022 Cabeza, L.F.; Borri, E.; Prieto, C. Article d'investigació
Experimental assessment of the influence of the design on the performance of novel evaporators with latent energy storage ability 2022 Mselle, B.D.; Zsembinszki, G.; Verez, D.; Borri, E.; Strehlow, A.; Nitsch, B.; Cabeza, L.F. Article d'investigació
Trends in research on energy efficiency in appliances and correlations with energy policies 2022 Vérez D; Borri E; Cabeza LF Article d'investigació
Key challenges for high temperature thermal energy storage in concrete - First steps towards a novel storage design 2022 Cabeza, L.F.; Vérez, D.; Zsembinszki, G.; Borri, E.; Prieto, C. Article d'investigació
Phase change slurries for cooling and storage: An overview of research trends and gaps 2022 Borri, E.; Hua, N.; Sciacovelli, A.; Wu, D.; Ding, Y.; Li, Y.; Brancato, V.; Zhang, Y.; Frazzica, A.; Li, W.; Yu, Z.; Milian, Y.E.; Ushak, S.; Grageda, M.; Cabeza, L.F. Article d'investigació
An innovative solar-biomass energy system to increase the share of renewables in office buildings 2021 Palomba, V.; Borri, E.; Charalampidis, A.; Frazzica, A.; Karellas, S.; Cabeza, L.F. Article d'investigació
Experimental Study on Two PCM Macro-Encapsulation Designs in a Thermal Energy Storage Tank 2021 Vérez, D.; Borri, E.; Crespo, A.; Mselle, B.D.; de Gracia, A.; Zsembinszki, G.; Cabeza, L.F. Article d'investigació
Innovative cryogenic Phase Change Material (PCM) based cold thermal energy storage for Liquid Air Energy Storage (LAES) - Numerical dynamic modelling and experimental study of a packed bed unit 2021 Tafone, A.; Borri, E.; Cabeza, L.F.; Romagnoli, A Article d'investigació
A new methodological approach for the evaluation of scaling up a latent storage module for integration in heat pumps 2021 Zsembinszki, G.; Mselle, B.D.; Vérez, D.; Borri, E.; Strehlow, A.; Nisch, B.; Frazzica, A.; Palomba, V.; Cabeza, L.F. Article d'investigació
A detailed energy analysis of a novel evaporator with latent thermal energy storage ability 2021 Mselle, B.D.; Zsembinszki, G.; Vérez, D.; Borri, E.; Cabeza, L.F. Article d'investigació
Effect of climate change and occupant behaviour on the environmental impact of the heating and cooling systems of a real apartment. A parametric study through life cycle assessment 2021 Fajilla, G.; Borri, E.; De Simone, M.; Cabeza, L.F.; Bragança, L. Article d'investigació
Experimental comparison of small-scale and full-scale latent storage for integration in efficient heat pumps 2021 Palomba V; Mselle BD; Vérez D; Borri E; Varvaggiannis S; Monokrousou E; Nitsch B; Strehlow A; Barmparitsas N; Leontaritis A; Bonanno A; Dino G; Zsembinszki G; Karellas S; Frazzica A; Cabeza LF Acta congrés
CSPplus - D1.1 Definition of key performance indicators (KPIs) 2021 Borri E; Zsembinszki G; Gasa G; Cabeza LF Informes de recerca
Phase change materials: is still the starring technology of thermal energy storage? Current applications, perspectives and research gaps 2021 Cabeza LF; Borri E Acta congrés
SWS-Heating - D7.1 Life cycle assessment (LCA) 2021 Karellas S; Leontaritis A; Persson S; Sonnenfelfd U; Nowak E; Frazzica A; Ure Z; Dawoud B; Borri E; Cabeza LF Informes de recerca
Asesoramiento energético para detectar acciones de mejora para reducir el consumo de electricidad y gas en una curtiduría 2021 Borri E; Zsembinszki G; Vérez D; Gasa G; Cabeza LF; Morera JM; Bartolí E Informes de recerca
Sol-Bio Rev - D3.2 Optimised system control and strategies 2021 Borri E; Crespo A; Argelich J; de Gracia A; Fernandez C; Cabeza LF; Karellas S; Charalampidis A; Frazzica A; Palomba V; Weitzer M; Franke L Informes de recerca
Sol-Bio Rev - D6.2 Definition of user and installer needs and their introduction in the design process 2021 Brown D; Martiskainen M; Karellas S; Sidiras G; Borri E; Cabeza LF; Caerels J Informes de recerca
SWS-HEATING - D6.5 Monitoring protocol and evaluation 2021 Borri, E.; Verez, D.; Crespo, A.; Cabeza, L.F., Dalton, S., Nowak, E.; Sonnenfeld, U.; Tarragona, J.; Comelles, J.; Gimbernat, T. Informes de recerca
Definition of key performance indicators (KPIs) to evaluate innovative storage systems in concentrating solar power (CSP) plants 2021 Cabeza, L.F.; Borri, E.; Gasa, G.; Zsembinszki, G.; Lopez Roman, A.; Prieto, C Acta congrés
Methods for the determination of the state-of-charge of a thermal energy storage device 2021 Zsembinszki G; Vérez D; Mselle BD; Borri E; Cabeza LF Acta congrés
Experimental study on the effect of flat and thin slab encapsulation design on a PCM tank 2021 Vérez D; Borri E; Crespo A; Mselle BD; de Gracia A; Zsembinszki G; Cabeza LF Acta congrés
SWS-Heating - D5.2 Development and testing of a smart control environment 2021 Chalikakis K; Fernandez C; Crespo A; de Gracia A; Borri E; Cabeza LF; Karellas S; Leontaritis A Informes de recerca
SWS-Heating - D5.4 Simulated system performance for different climatic conditions and buildings 2021 Karellas S; Leontaritis A; Borri E; Cabeza LF; Frazzica A Informes de recerca
SWS-Heating - D6.3 Production of other prototype main components of SWS-Heating system 2021 Sonnenfeld U; Chalikakis K; Karellas S; Leontaritis A; Ure Z; Borri E; Cabeza LF Informes de recerca
Experimental analysis of a small size vacuum insulated water tank 2021 Borri E; Vérez D; Zsembinszki G; Dawoud B; Cabeza LF Acta congrés
Recent developments of thermal energy storage applications in the built environment: a bibliometric analysis and systematic review 2021 Borri E, Zsembinszki G, Cabeza LF Article d'investigació
Trends and future perspectives on the integration of phase change materials in heat exchangers 2021 Mselle, B.D.; Zsembinszki, G.; Borri, E.; Vérez, D.; Cabeza, L.F. Article d'investigació
Optimization of Design Variables of a Phase Change Material Storage Tank and Comparison of a 2D Implicit vs. 2D Explicit Model 2021 Crespo, A.; Zsembinszki, G.; Vérez, D.; Borri, E.; Fernández, C.; Cabeza, L.F.; de Gracia, A. Article d'investigació
Experimental study of a small-size vacuum insulated water tank for building applications 2021 Vérez, D.; Borri, E.; Crespo, A.; Zsembinszki, G.; Dawoud, B.; Cabeza, L.F. Article d'investigació
Perspectives on thermal energy storage research 2021 Cabeza, L.F.; De Gracia, A.; Zsembinszki, G.; Borri, E. Article d'investigació
Implementation of a solar-biomass system for multi-family houses: Towards 100% renewable energy utilization 2020 Palomba, V.; Borri, E.; Charalmpidis, A.; Frazzica, A.; Cabeza, L.F.; Karellas, S. Article d'investigació
Sol-Bio Rev - D1.1 Stakeholder advisory board composition and functions 2020 Cabeza LF; Borri E Informes de recerca
SWS-Heating - D4.7 Prototype vacuum combi-storage tank 2020 Borri E; Verez D; Cabeza LF; Karellas S; Leontaritis A; Sonnenfeld U Informes de recerca
SWS-Heating - D5.1 Optimised system control and strategies 2020 Borri E; Fernandez C; Crespo A; de Gracia A; Cabeza LF; Karellas S; Leontaritis A; Frazzica A; Palomba V Informes de recerca
SWS-Heating - D4.8 Report on the dynamic operation of vacuum combi-storage tank, buffer tank and backup heater 2020 Karellas S; Leontaritis A; Borri E; Verez D; Cabeza LF Informes de recerca
Recent Trends on Liquid Air Energy Storage: A Bibliometric Analysis 2020 Borri E.; Tafone A.; Zsembinszki G.; Comodi G.; Romagnoli A.; Cabeza LF. Article d'investigació
Performance study of direct integration of phase change material into an innovative evaporator of a simple vapour compression system 2020 Mselle BD, Vérez D, Zsembinszki G, Borri E, Cabeza LF Article d'investigació
SWS-Heating - D2.2 Local and EU key technical & market codes and framework conditions relevant to the SWS-Heating system 2019 Lubryka E; Leontaritis A; Karellas S; Sonnenfeld U; Cabeza LF; Borri E; Navarro L; Gimbernat T; Pisello AL Informes de recerca
SWS-Heating - D5.5 Key performance indicators 2019 di Grazia M; Piselli C; Pisello AL; Fabiani C; Pioppi B; Pigliautile I; Cotana F; Nicolini A; Cabeza LF; Frazzica A; Leontaritis A; Dawoud B; Lubryka E; Sonnenfeld U; Sovacool B Informes de recerca
SWS-Heating - D5.3 - Dynamic user-building interaction model predicting thermal-energy behaviour 2019 Piselli C; di Grazia M; Pisello AL; Fabiani C; Nicolini A; Romanelli J; Pioppi B; Cotana F; Larijani HM; Palm B; Sovacool B; Karellas S; Leontaritis A; Borri E; Cabeza LF Informes de recerca
SWS-HEATING - D8.3 Exploitable results table 2019 Borri, E.; Cabeza, L.F. Informes de recerca
Sol-Bio Rev - D2.1 Definition of climate and building typologies 2019 Borri E; Cabeza LF Informes de recerca
SWS-Heating - D1.1 Stakeholder advisory board composition and functions 2019 Borri E; Cabeza LF Informes de recerca
Sol-Bio Rev - D1.3 Data management plan 2019 Cabeza LF; Borri E; Karellas S; Frazzica A; Barmparitsas N; Weitzer M; Martiskainen M; Sidiras G Informes de recerca
SWS-Heating - D2.1 Definition of climate and building typologies boundary conditions 2018 Piselli C; Pisello AL; Cotana F; Pigliautile I; di Grazia M; Pioppi B; Landi F; Cabeza LF; Kokorelia A; Kokorelia L; Palm B; Larijani M; Dawoud B; Brancato V; Frazzica A; Karellas S; Mandilaras I; Leo Informes de recerca
SWS-Heating - D1.3 Data management plan (DMP) 2018 Karellas S; Leontaritis A; Pisello AL; Frazzica A; Dawoud B; Chalikakis K; Borri E; Cabeza LF; Navarro L Informes de recerca