???option.TituloSitioWeb.grado??? in Architectural Technology and Building Construction

Objectives and competences

Training Objectives

Objectives of the bachelor’s degree in Architectural Technology and Building Construction are met in a wide range of works of civil engineering and public building. Its activity is directed towards projectionexecution and control of a construction site. Thus, a technical architect is usually employed in both building and consulting companies. His tasks also involve monitoring, maintenance and conservation of the finished work which is often carried out by central, autonomic or local administration.

General objectives. Creating professionals able to:

  • Direct material execution of building works.
  • Draft studies and plans on health and safety at work.
  • Carry out technical activities of calculation, assessment, design of estates and buildings, etc.
  • Draft technical projects within the framework of their competences (rehabilitation, etc).
  • Manage new building technologies and building quality.
  • Supervise and manage the use, conservation and maintenance of the buildings.
  • Assess technically on manufacture of materials and elements for building construction.
  • Manage construction process as a whole.

A holder of the bachelor’s degree in Architectural Technology and Building Construction obtains a set of competencies associated to each one of the subjects of the Plan of Studies. Table of Competences