???option.TituloSitioWeb.grado??? in Architectural Technology and Building Construction

Syllabus structure and course guides

Qualification:  Degree in Architectural Technology and Building Construction
Knowledge area: Engineering and Architecture
Duration: 4 years
Credits ECTS: 240
Degree awarded: Technical Architect profession (Ordinance ECI/3855/2007)

Bachelor’s degree in Architectural Technology and Building Construction consists of the following modules:

Basic training subjects (FB) 69
Compulsory subjects (B) 117
Optional (O) 24
External practices 15
Bachelor thesis 15

Curricular Guideline


1st COURSE (60 ECTS)

Code Subject Tipus Semester Credits
101402 Physics FB 1 9
101400 Calculus and Statistics FB 1 7.5
101403 Graphic Expression 1 FB 1 6
101409 Computer Science FB 1 6
101405 Materials 1 FB 2 7.5
101401 Linear Algebra FB 2 6
101404 Graphic Expression 2 B 2 6
101406 Building Services 1 FB 2 6
101414 Construction History FB 2 6


2nd COURSE (60 ECTS)

Code Subject Type Semester Credits
101412 Materials 2 B 1 9
101419 Building Services 2 B 1 6
101416 Structures 1 B 1 6
101410 Graphic Expression 3 B 1 6
101422 Work Equipment, Facilities and Auxiliary Means B 1 6
101413 Construction Systems and Typology B 2 6
101408 Legislation and Urban Management FB 2 7.5
101417 Structures 2 B 2 6
101407 Economy and Business FB 2 7.5


3rd COURSE (60 ECTS)

Code Subject Type Semester Credits
101418 Structures 3 B 1 6
101421 Planning, Programming and Control B 1 6
101424 Quality Control and Regulations B 1 6
101411 Topography and Restated  B 1 6
101425 Budgets and Measurements B 1 6
101420 Buliding Process B 2 6
101426  Experts and Assessments B 2 6
101423 Safety and Health B 2 9
101415 Pathology and Diagnosis B 2 6
101434 University activities
(Cross-Curricular Subject)
O 2 3


4th COURSE (60 ECTS)

Code Subject Type Semester Credits
101438 Internship B 1 15
  Optative 1 O 1 6
  Optative 2 O 1 6
  Optative 3 O 1 6
101439 Bachelor Thesis B 2 15
101427 Technical Projects B 2 9
101434 University activities
(Cross-Curricular Subject)
O 2 3


Optional / Pathways

Two specialization pathways associated with the optional module, particularly in the field of  Interior Design (18 ECTS) and Sustainable Construction (18 ECTS) may be taken.

Optional subjects of design

Optional subjects of Sustainable construction

Enterprise projects (DUAL higher education program)


Other academic intormation

Academic framework

EThe Academic framework of bachelor’s degrees is a document which establishes general bases for the organization of the undergraduate teaching.

Curricular assessment

The aim of the curricular assessment is to determine if a student has acquired knowledge necessary to pass each of the curricular blocks (start block and final block) so that he can finish his studies within a reasonable period of time. You can learn more about the norm and the results of curricular assessment at this link.